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The main reason for the crack of aluminum box and the solving methods
Category:Industry news   Publish:2014-05-26 11:14:35   View:775次 [Back]
&Nbsp;   aluminum composite panel production booth in the long run because the external environment causes booth product cracks, affecting users in normal use. Aluminium composite panel cracks as a result for many reasons, for example, we often: because aluminum extrusion temperature is too high, metal surface layer tensile strength decrease, cracking under the action of friction. For this reason cause cracking is because the temperature is too high.   
Say, for example: aluminum extrusion speed too fast, the additional tensile stress on the metal surface cracking increased profile, of course, have time to crack because of other reasons, such as: metal surface due to friction causes additional tensile stress, when additional tensile stress is greater than the surface tensile strength of metal will crack.   
So when there are these problems, we must be maintained and did a variety of things to solve this problem. Because all three of these reasons causing cracks in aluminum composite panel booth XC-L008, then we can only be achieved through reduction of aluminum material extrusion temperature to solve this problem, and remind the user when using the aluminium composite panel booth daily maintenance, regular checks, ensure the security booth.

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