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PC sunshine board has good heat preservation performance
Category:Industry news   Publish:2014-05-26 11:20:11   View:716次 [Back]
&Nbsp;   PC sunshine greenhouse industry increasingly hot in China, especially in the North, the ecological agricultural sightseeing garden of flowers and vegetables in greenhouses, greenhouse insulation performance is high, PC sunshine at this time would be a very wide popularity. Greenhouse in Weifang sunshine k value is substantially less than glass and other plastic materials, plus PC sunshine hollow structure, Sun sheet insulating properties than glass, and the big studio films.
&Nbsp;   regional which exactly meets the insulation performance of what Sun needs? Comprehensive greenhouse around circumstances, areas south of the Yangtze River, 8mm double pane PC sunshine plate has been able to meet the insulation requirements of local vegetable greenhouses. In North China, use 8mm Sun sheet can also be, but must be equipped with heating facilities in the greenhouse. North-East and North-West, under adequate conditions of the budget, use three or four-storey structure Sun sheet plus thermal insulation construction of greenhouse heat preservation performance is good, but if using ordinary double Sun sheet can be, but winter heating equipment requires much more energy at night to keep heat in the greenhouse.

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